Survived the Winter...

Winter was brutal in the blue house.  But at least we got to have Christmas.

One of the problems buying a new home is that you only see it in its best light.  You look for homes in the Spring and Summer, and then you commit.  I learned a lot about the house - it's strengths and weaknesses.   It became more real once I began to see its flaws and personality.

The biggest challenge was the cold.  It was so cold.  The furnace was old and couldn't keep up.  The pipes froze.

But not panicking is a good way to keep yourself together until the pipes thaw and the furnace gets fixed.  I shoveled the snow when it fell, and I swept the porch and sprinkled salt.

I started the winter with the flu.  It killed me (almost) and then morphed into a long bronchitis. Just as I was recovering from the flu, the furnace couldn't keep up and the pipes froze.  It was a long January.  But I'm happy for difficult things that weren't terrible things.  I got better.  The furnace just needed a little attention, and the pipes didn't burst.  All was good.

We had Christmas here.  It was warm and cozy.  We had New Years here as well.  This house isn't a perfect house, but it's a good house.  Just like its family.


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