Expression Engine Over Drupal

So, I've started to mess around with EE. Sorry all you Drupal-ers, but it is definitely worth knowing. However, having worked a little bit with both, I see some definite personality traits...

First of all, Drupal is WAAAAY more flexible. But you have to really know Drupal to get it to fly. Making your own module is a labor of love. When it works, then it is awesome, but it is really tricky.

EE is more of a way to shortcut around all of the annoying parts of PHP programming - you know, writing while{} loops and for{} loops, and having to figure out SQL syntax, and all that. Also, the URL structure is pretty sweet. I mean it is cool when mysite/offices/city/chicago takes me to my chicago office homepage. There are a few annoying things about it, but overall, it works pretty well for what it is - a framework for CMS.


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