This is what happens when you

Error code 0x800a0e7a with the message: Provider cannot be found, It may not be properly installed.

Essentially this is a fancy way of telling you a few things.
1. Stop using ADODB - switch to OLEDB
2. Stop using Microsoft JET 4.0 in your connections. I mean geez, ACCESS??? for cripes sakes.
3. If you are stubborn and need to ignore #1 and #2, then go to the Application pool settings in IIS 7.0 on your server and enable 32-bit support. I know, it's like only using 4 cylinders on your new Ferrari, but what are you gonna do?
4. Also, download the hotfix for Microsoft JET 4.0 (you have to call in to get this..)

bummer - Oh well, this is why you blog - so you only have to figure these things out once.


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